Thursday, 29 December 2016

Drive Partitions Explained

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Drive Partitions

Although it is not a necessary feature to use, Drive Partitioning can come handy and has a few nifty features

While we still can put our data into a single Drive partitioning can be of certain use


     What is a Drive Partition?

  •  It is simply splitting up a single drive into a number of logical Drives or volumes
  • This makes the operating system you use(like Windows or Linus) to consider them as two(or More) separate Hard Drives while they are actually not
  • So you may have partitions that have separate drive letters and even separate formatting

   What are the uses?

     It can provide and help us with these features

(i)                  It can help to keep your data organized for ease of access. For example: You can keep your Media files in one drives and programs in another and the windows files in other

(ii)                It can be used to facilitate Multi-Boot. For Example: You can install one operating system in one drive partition and another in another drive like windows in one and linux in another

(iii)               Some operating Systems reserve drive space for providing recovery features. Like it can reserve space for helping you in situations when your system fails to load up and provides you help to restore or provide repair

How to Partition your Drives?

> Windows provides you options to partition your drives at the time while you install windows

> You can also partition your drive using Disk Management Tool provided along with your Windows or other Open Source Third-Party Disk Partitioning Utilities (like Paragon Hard Disk Manager) that you can find by a simple Google Search.

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